Establishment and maintenance of clinical laboratories, hospitals , nursing homes, dispensaries and institutions of similar nature and providing financial assistance to the deserving persons for medical treatment in any medical institution.

Establishment and maintenance of old age homes, homes for physically challenged men, women and children and persons with similar disabilities and also for granting financial assistance to institutions performing similar activities.

To help the needy and deserving students by providing them school uniforms, books, scholarships and loans to pursue higher education, etc.

Advancement of vocational education, social education by research in contemporary literature, trades, contemporary social customs to achieve healthy social customs and traditions and vocational guidance to youngsters.

To establish and maintain an institute to assist and encourage or promote for the purpose of education and vocational guidance, in the form of institute, school or college anywhere in India or abroad.

To organize and establish centers for providing education to youth.

To arrange and provide medical aid and such other assistance necessary for living to the needy persons who are handicapped or mentally or physically retarded and financially uplift any incapable people of poor class.

To provide home based education to the needy or otherwise incapable children.

To organize talent search programs for specially disabled children so as to boost their confidence and provide the concept of mainstreaming.

To arrange and conduct drug de-addiction awareness sessions for promoting health and its progress.

To organize social awareness camps and counseling sessions for the purpose of awakening the society about their social rights and duties.

To develop and support educational, cultural, vocational and social institutions for the disabled, poor and deserving all over India.

Construction and running of schools, colleges, educational institutions, free dispensaries , center for poor feeding and homes for the aged for the benefit of the public.

To make up efforts for the education, development and welfare of women, children and backward community in both urban and rural areas throughout the country.

To collect funds through contributions, donations, subscriptions from its Societies and from public, philanthropists and government/non- government organizations of India and from abroad to undertake the activity of society.

To promote sports, culture activities and adventure sports.

To establish and form self- help groups and help them to gain their livelihood and to acquire market for the production of such self- help groups and to provide necessary viability and feasibility analysis to self –help groups to establish any new project or venture.

To propagate and encourage social, charitable and other welfare works for all classes of people at all levels irrespective of caste and religion.

To serve people by carrying out various activities without the intention of earning profit and perform service with motive only.

To provide support to improve environment and to preserve historical monuments/places/historical/artistic works and art etc. directly or indirectly irrespective of any religious belief associated with it /these in any manner whatsoever may be.

To help and look after the handicaps, orphans, widows , senior citizens, sick and other needy/poor people by providing them facilities of free education, medicines, clothes, hospitalization, food, residence, arrangement of marriages, hostels, homes, dispensaries and other facilities for their betterment and welfare of these people.

To help any other body or institution to carry out similar social welfare objectives.

To work for bringing awareness and make efforts to save girl child and stop female feticide.

To initiate and maintain project related to agriculture, beauty and wellness, retail , telecom, tourism and hospitality services, life science, media entertainment, IT/ITES Sector skill council related work and health care for charitable purpose...