What we do?

Old Age Homes

Many senior citizens dream of a living arrangement that offers plenty of activity choices and amenities, in addition to personalized care. At The SSW Foundation, we offer all of this and much more through our senior citizen residences. SSW Foundation help to build up new friendship among the residence whose moral support will strengthen you.


We work towards identifying the main causes of healthcare challenges, provide innovative solutions, and help implement secure and quality healthcare services in India. We constantly drive programs to facilitate health checkups and workshops on affordable nutritional diet. We continue to address the health needs of underprivileged children and women through our dedicated health centre.

Girl Child

Girls are equally as important as boys in the society to maintain the social equilibrium. Girls have the power to change the world. We try to arrange programme and policy recommendations to Government organizations to ensure girls get the education, skills and support they need.

Women are the most important section of the society and equally participate in the life existence on the earth. However, regular decrease in the sex ratio of female in India because of the crimes against women, it has created the fear of total finish of women. So, it is very necessary to save girl child in order to maintain the ratio of women in India.


We believe, collectively we all can together, bring about a qualitative change in our society. We help children unlock their potential and realize their dreams. We believe that every child is extraordinary and can scale great heights if provided with the right learning opportunities. With regular and generous contributions from our supporters, we are able to march steadily towards achieving these goals.

Social Welfare

A comprehensive study of the development of social welfare in a selected group of India resulted in a heuristic model for social welfare in national development.

SSW Foundation can be conceptualized on its remedial as well as development axis. It is the second approach which has the greatest potential for contributing to national development in new or poor countries. The elements in developmental social welfare which contribute to nation- building are

(a) National unity,
(b) Citizenship,
(c) Maximum use of internal human and natural resources,
(d) Orientation towards the future,
(e) Hard work,
(f) Sacrifice of immediate material gratification and
(g) Mutual aid.

Social welfare, alone as a service, can make very little contribution to national development unless it is seen in its wider context of the social services of health and nutrition, and community development. Property conceived, planned and it's operation coordinate with other services, Sijaa Foundation is contributing to an improvement of level of living through development of human resources. It can also promote or assist with basic social-economic reforms.

Women Empowerment

Empowering women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors is essential to build stronger economies, achieve internationally agreed goals for development and sustainability, and improve the quality of life for women, men, families and communities.